
New season begins tonight...

I had another flare up on Sunday that was pretty painful. I am still feeling it across my lower back but it is not as bad as early Monday when I had to sit in the car for an hour while heading to the doctor. I had an appointment to finish the paperwork and start the second round of the study I am enrolled in. The ride was uncomfortable to say the least and I was too happy to get out of the car and try to stand.

I spent most of yesterday lying in bed with my head and feet elevated to a position where most of the stress on my lower back was relieved so those muscles could have a break and try to relax. I thought about doing the heat/cold treatment but someone has been playing with my ice packs (read: my oldest soon destroyed them) and I did not feel like spending another $30 on one.

I have been having some problems walking, the flare up does not help, and have been having a gradual decline in the distance I can walk without having to rest. It used to be a trip through the grocery store was not too bad as long as I brought my cane or had the cart to hold on to but the last few trips grocery shopping have been killer. We are barley a few aisles into the store when I can feel the burning and by 1/2 way through I can feel the spasms coming on. While my doctor told me to gradually increase my time and distance and we should see positive results it seriously seems like we are going in reverse. Where I used to be able to go several blocks or a lap around the inside of the mall with little or no pain that is no longer the case.

Tonight we are anxiously awaiting the start time of The Shield as the new season begins this evening. Of course they are airing it at exactly the same time as our other favorite show, Law & Order S.V.U.. Thanks to my lovely wife and her birthday present to me last year, a TiVo, we can watch one while we record the other. It will also let me record the shows for those nights where my wife has to work late. Last year she ended up missing a lot of the season due to work hours and for "The Shield" if you miss one episode you fall behind as they are sequential. I know some people think the show is junk and not a "real version" of what really happens in most police departments but that is not why we watch. It really has a great story line and just like most of the stuff on the idiot box as long as you remember it is not real you can enjoy the show. That and it gives me something to look forward to for the middle of the week when nothing else is happening.

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