
I have been having some problems with my right leg and foot which has really been bothering me. For the longest time the only real pain and numbness was down the left so to have new pain is scary in the way that it means the scar tissue is most likely (there could be another cause) still growing and causing problems.

The pain has been somewhat intense, burning more then anything else and the pain meds hardly touch it at all. The good news is that the pain, while intense, is not constant which means if it is from nerve damage then the nerve is not completely ruined. It comes mostly when I have been lying down for more then about an hour which means bedtime is loads of fun.

The good news is that I am almost complete with the first part of the study and when I see the doc on Monday I should be starting the second part which is the year long section. That means no more having to carry that annoying thing that beeps at me every 15 minutes which I am SO looking forward to. It is a Palm Pilot that instead of keeping a diary you answer questions about the meds and your pain on the Palm and at night it plugs into the base which is also a modem. From there they just download directly to the study computers where ever they are located.

Enough about the back and study for now...

My oldest is home from his Christmas vacation and just as it began with my ex-wife ad problems, it ended the same way. After her lying about having his outbound ticket as an unaccompanied minor and not having a return ticket for him (she did break down and buy one) she got to the airport late and he missed his flight. So instead of being home by 10am his flight did not leave until almost 1pm cutting it very close to my wife not being able to pick him up and then being able to make it to work. Of course this was the final straw in my ever allowing her again to make travel arrangements. From now on it will all be done by car and she will just have to suck it up.

I am just glad to have a host again so that I can continue to blather on. The nice thing about this host is that I have the added functionality of PHP and Perl as well as ASP, although I did lose the .NET framework. That means I am going to need to spend some more money on books now that I have to learn a new scripting language to play with. I also have MySQL for the database instead of SQL Server but as long as I have a DB I am happy.

Until tomorrow!

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