I am thinking of switching this blog from blogger to Word Press. It is something I have thought about for some time but my former host did not have the capability to do so (I had MS SQL database and not the MySQL that Word Press uses) but with my new host that has been changed. I like the features that Word Press offers as well as all the Plug-Ins that are available as compared to blogger which offers none.
Another reason I had not switched previously was that I am not or was not as familiar with PHP, the language WP is written in, as I would like to be so making my own templates was not going to be as simple as it would be with Blogger and I was also not sure that I would be able to import all the posts from this current blog into the new one. If this was only a few weeks or months worth of posting then I would not be so hesitant but right now I am approaching the 900 posts mark and that is far too many to just "leave behind". However Word Press has a tool that allows you to import posts from other blogging tools so it makes it that much more tempting. The one thing that makes me think twice however is that I would lose all my comments from previous posts.
What makes Word Press so tempting is that the database backend really makes searches much more accurate as well as being able to create and then categorize each post which in turn makes finding information much easier then previously. My current blog, while searchable, is not all that accurate. I myself have had trouble finding what I am looking for and I am the one who wrote it.
So if sometime today or tomorrow this blog is down please check back as that means I found a template that I like and am uploading and working on getting Word Press installed. I suspect that it should take me no more then an hour to install and get it arranged the way I would like and then perhaps another hour to import those files to the new set up.
We will see what happens!
Five weird things about me...
I have been tagged by Bridget to post 5 weird things about me. Perhaps it would be easier to blog about 5 normal things about me???
Where to begin...
1- All my towels have to be folded properly (I have a special way I like them) and then sorted on the shelves by size and color order. It might not sound that strange until you see that we have about 30-35 bath towels and only 6 of them match.
2- When I am eating none of my food can touch any other food on the plate and I only eat one thing at a time. ie- I will not eat my chicken until I finish all the carrots.
3- My frozen food is arranged in the freezers (2 refridgerator freezers and 1 box) by the type of food and no freezer has the same thing as another in them. One is for vegetables another has only red meat and the last has chicken and so forth.
4- All my shoes and sneakers are laced so that they laces are left over right the whole way from the bottom of the tongue up to where the tie off.
5- When I make a cup of hot tea, coffee or cocoa the spoon cannot touch the sides or the bottom of the cup while I am stirring.
For those paying attention, yes, I have a mild form of OCD and my wife and children find it entertaining. While I don't have to flip light switches 23 times before moving on I do have a thing where they all have to be in the same position, especially in our upper hallway where we have 4 switchplates with 2 switches each. It is set up so when I go up I just have to hit the first two and then each set as I pass them. This makes it so all the lights I need are on only while I am in that section of the hallway and when I pass the last one they are all off. Yes, I know it sounds stupid but it has to be done!
Lets see....I will have to tag Mare, Saija, A Military Mom & Stacy.
Where to begin...
1- All my towels have to be folded properly (I have a special way I like them) and then sorted on the shelves by size and color order. It might not sound that strange until you see that we have about 30-35 bath towels and only 6 of them match.
2- When I am eating none of my food can touch any other food on the plate and I only eat one thing at a time. ie- I will not eat my chicken until I finish all the carrots.
3- My frozen food is arranged in the freezers (2 refridgerator freezers and 1 box) by the type of food and no freezer has the same thing as another in them. One is for vegetables another has only red meat and the last has chicken and so forth.
4- All my shoes and sneakers are laced so that they laces are left over right the whole way from the bottom of the tongue up to where the tie off.
5- When I make a cup of hot tea, coffee or cocoa the spoon cannot touch the sides or the bottom of the cup while I am stirring.
For those paying attention, yes, I have a mild form of OCD and my wife and children find it entertaining. While I don't have to flip light switches 23 times before moving on I do have a thing where they all have to be in the same position, especially in our upper hallway where we have 4 switchplates with 2 switches each. It is set up so when I go up I just have to hit the first two and then each set as I pass them. This makes it so all the lights I need are on only while I am in that section of the hallway and when I pass the last one they are all off. Yes, I know it sounds stupid but it has to be done!
Lets see....I will have to tag Mare, Saija, A Military Mom & Stacy.
New season begins tonight...
I had another flare up on Sunday that was pretty painful. I am still feeling it across my lower back but it is not as bad as early Monday when I had to sit in the car for an hour while heading to the doctor. I had an appointment to finish the paperwork and start the second round of the study I am enrolled in. The ride was uncomfortable to say the least and I was too happy to get out of the car and try to stand.
I spent most of yesterday lying in bed with my head and feet elevated to a position where most of the stress on my lower back was relieved so those muscles could have a break and try to relax. I thought about doing the heat/cold treatment but someone has been playing with my ice packs (read: my oldest soon destroyed them) and I did not feel like spending another $30 on one.
I have been having some problems walking, the flare up does not help, and have been having a gradual decline in the distance I can walk without having to rest. It used to be a trip through the grocery store was not too bad as long as I brought my cane or had the cart to hold on to but the last few trips grocery shopping have been killer. We are barley a few aisles into the store when I can feel the burning and by 1/2 way through I can feel the spasms coming on. While my doctor told me to gradually increase my time and distance and we should see positive results it seriously seems like we are going in reverse. Where I used to be able to go several blocks or a lap around the inside of the mall with little or no pain that is no longer the case.
Tonight we are anxiously awaiting the start time of The Shield as the new season begins this evening. Of course they are airing it at exactly the same time as our other favorite show, Law & Order S.V.U.. Thanks to my lovely wife and her birthday present to me last year, a TiVo, we can watch one while we record the other. It will also let me record the shows for those nights where my wife has to work late. Last year she ended up missing a lot of the season due to work hours and for "The Shield" if you miss one episode you fall behind as they are sequential. I know some people think the show is junk and not a "real version" of what really happens in most police departments but that is not why we watch. It really has a great story line and just like most of the stuff on the idiot box as long as you remember it is not real you can enjoy the show. That and it gives me something to look forward to for the middle of the week when nothing else is happening.
I spent most of yesterday lying in bed with my head and feet elevated to a position where most of the stress on my lower back was relieved so those muscles could have a break and try to relax. I thought about doing the heat/cold treatment but someone has been playing with my ice packs (read: my oldest soon destroyed them) and I did not feel like spending another $30 on one.
I have been having some problems walking, the flare up does not help, and have been having a gradual decline in the distance I can walk without having to rest. It used to be a trip through the grocery store was not too bad as long as I brought my cane or had the cart to hold on to but the last few trips grocery shopping have been killer. We are barley a few aisles into the store when I can feel the burning and by 1/2 way through I can feel the spasms coming on. While my doctor told me to gradually increase my time and distance and we should see positive results it seriously seems like we are going in reverse. Where I used to be able to go several blocks or a lap around the inside of the mall with little or no pain that is no longer the case.
Tonight we are anxiously awaiting the start time of The Shield as the new season begins this evening. Of course they are airing it at exactly the same time as our other favorite show, Law & Order S.V.U.. Thanks to my lovely wife and her birthday present to me last year, a TiVo, we can watch one while we record the other. It will also let me record the shows for those nights where my wife has to work late. Last year she ended up missing a lot of the season due to work hours and for "The Shield" if you miss one episode you fall behind as they are sequential. I know some people think the show is junk and not a "real version" of what really happens in most police departments but that is not why we watch. It really has a great story line and just like most of the stuff on the idiot box as long as you remember it is not real you can enjoy the show. That and it gives me something to look forward to for the middle of the week when nothing else is happening.
A relaxing Saturday...
I have not been sleeping very well the past few nights due to the pain. I am not sure why the meds have not been working as well as they should but come Monday that should all be taken care of.
It's hard to describe the pain but if you can imagine sleeping on a hard floor or something like that for a few days straight you should be close to understanding. That feeling you get from the hard floor constantly grinding directly on a bone is about as close as I can think of to explain it, that's it right over my hips and around through the small of my back.
I spent most of the day relaxing in my recliner trying to find a way to get comfortable and watching the idiot box with my son. Not much on today but it was nice to just sit and talk with my son. We just chatted about in general topics, how his vacation went and what's on his mind.
For a 12 year old he is very articulate as well we like to let him know that he can talk to us about anything, anytime. While you can tell them that until you are blue in the face the only real way to show them you mean it is to let them talk. While conversations tend to be more general happenings then anything else right now when the time comes for him to really need us he will know that we are there for him.
Monday is my wife's day off so I thought we would all play some of the games that were received as Christmas presents. My youngest got Candyland® which we still need to play with him, our oldest got Scene It, the Disney/Pixar version, and then we also got (from one of my readers no less!) Spy Alley which we have all been wanting to sit down and play.
Having everyone home again is nice and since Monday will be our first day in about a month where we will all be around I am looking forward to sitting down and doing something as a family. I think the boys especially will enjoy it, so I thought we would stop by the grocery store and buy some ice cream and then the sundae toppings and let the boys make their own. I know we always got a kick out of that, ok I still do. LOL!
Here is to a night of sleep that is pain free!
It's hard to describe the pain but if you can imagine sleeping on a hard floor or something like that for a few days straight you should be close to understanding. That feeling you get from the hard floor constantly grinding directly on a bone is about as close as I can think of to explain it, that's it right over my hips and around through the small of my back.
I spent most of the day relaxing in my recliner trying to find a way to get comfortable and watching the idiot box with my son. Not much on today but it was nice to just sit and talk with my son. We just chatted about in general topics, how his vacation went and what's on his mind.
For a 12 year old he is very articulate as well we like to let him know that he can talk to us about anything, anytime. While you can tell them that until you are blue in the face the only real way to show them you mean it is to let them talk. While conversations tend to be more general happenings then anything else right now when the time comes for him to really need us he will know that we are there for him.
Monday is my wife's day off so I thought we would all play some of the games that were received as Christmas presents. My youngest got Candyland® which we still need to play with him, our oldest got Scene It, the Disney/Pixar version, and then we also got (from one of my readers no less!) Spy Alley which we have all been wanting to sit down and play.
Having everyone home again is nice and since Monday will be our first day in about a month where we will all be around I am looking forward to sitting down and doing something as a family. I think the boys especially will enjoy it, so I thought we would stop by the grocery store and buy some ice cream and then the sundae toppings and let the boys make their own. I know we always got a kick out of that, ok I still do. LOL!
Here is to a night of sleep that is pain free!
I have been having some problems with my right leg and foot which has really been bothering me. For the longest time the only real pain and numbness was down the left so to have new pain is scary in the way that it means the scar tissue is most likely (there could be another cause) still growing and causing problems.
The pain has been somewhat intense, burning more then anything else and the pain meds hardly touch it at all. The good news is that the pain, while intense, is not constant which means if it is from nerve damage then the nerve is not completely ruined. It comes mostly when I have been lying down for more then about an hour which means bedtime is loads of fun.
The good news is that I am almost complete with the first part of the study and when I see the doc on Monday I should be starting the second part which is the year long section. That means no more having to carry that annoying thing that beeps at me every 15 minutes which I am SO looking forward to. It is a Palm Pilot that instead of keeping a diary you answer questions about the meds and your pain on the Palm and at night it plugs into the base which is also a modem. From there they just download directly to the study computers where ever they are located.
Enough about the back and study for now...
My oldest is home from his Christmas vacation and just as it began with my ex-wife ad problems, it ended the same way. After her lying about having his outbound ticket as an unaccompanied minor and not having a return ticket for him (she did break down and buy one) she got to the airport late and he missed his flight. So instead of being home by 10am his flight did not leave until almost 1pm cutting it very close to my wife not being able to pick him up and then being able to make it to work. Of course this was the final straw in my ever allowing her again to make travel arrangements. From now on it will all be done by car and she will just have to suck it up.
I am just glad to have a host again so that I can continue to blather on. The nice thing about this host is that I have the added functionality of PHP and Perl as well as ASP, although I did lose the .NET framework. That means I am going to need to spend some more money on books now that I have to learn a new scripting language to play with. I also have MySQL for the database instead of SQL Server but as long as I have a DB I am happy.
Until tomorrow!
The pain has been somewhat intense, burning more then anything else and the pain meds hardly touch it at all. The good news is that the pain, while intense, is not constant which means if it is from nerve damage then the nerve is not completely ruined. It comes mostly when I have been lying down for more then about an hour which means bedtime is loads of fun.
The good news is that I am almost complete with the first part of the study and when I see the doc on Monday I should be starting the second part which is the year long section. That means no more having to carry that annoying thing that beeps at me every 15 minutes which I am SO looking forward to. It is a Palm Pilot that instead of keeping a diary you answer questions about the meds and your pain on the Palm and at night it plugs into the base which is also a modem. From there they just download directly to the study computers where ever they are located.
Enough about the back and study for now...
My oldest is home from his Christmas vacation and just as it began with my ex-wife ad problems, it ended the same way. After her lying about having his outbound ticket as an unaccompanied minor and not having a return ticket for him (she did break down and buy one) she got to the airport late and he missed his flight. So instead of being home by 10am his flight did not leave until almost 1pm cutting it very close to my wife not being able to pick him up and then being able to make it to work. Of course this was the final straw in my ever allowing her again to make travel arrangements. From now on it will all be done by car and she will just have to suck it up.
I am just glad to have a host again so that I can continue to blather on. The nice thing about this host is that I have the added functionality of PHP and Perl as well as ASP, although I did lose the .NET framework. That means I am going to need to spend some more money on books now that I have to learn a new scripting language to play with. I also have MySQL for the database instead of SQL Server but as long as I have a DB I am happy.
Until tomorrow!
Web hosts that suck!
Well it has been a long week and I am glad it is finally over.
It started off with my former web hosting company screwing me over. After a year and the some of being a customer of theirs as well as steering several companies and friends to them for business they showed their appreciation by trying to double bill me for services.
Now normally this would be something you could easily fix, you know show them a bank draft or a credit card slip showing the charge. This company though refused to listen to anything I told them and then when I tried to call the person who I had been emailing about the problem I was told that they only handled email and I would have to speak to someone else. It took me about 3 days to get someone who knew what I was talking about and could help me of course that was when I found out that the domain names I had asked them to cancel and had done the proper process and paperwork to do so, had not been cancelled and they were trying to bill me for them. All in all they tried to bilk me out of about $200 between the services and domains.
When I told them I was not going to pay for something that I already had or something I had properly cancelled they shut down my server, which is why I had to move and get a new domain.
Now the good thing is that the domains that I had renewed or were not up for renewal are rightfully mine and I should be able to push them to my new host but I suspect that my old company is going to give me some problems doing that or will try to charge me and arm and a leg to do so.
The funny thing is that I went with this host even after reading on several web hosting forums about the problems they had given others. Interestingly enough I went back to read those comments and with only a few exceptions they were all very similar issues. I was more interested in the amount of services the company provided for the money they were charging. This is a prominent company and they advertise in a lot of computer and web oriented magazines so you if you read those types of mags, you will know who I am talking about and if you are not using them I will say that what appears to be a good deal is in the end not.
In the end I am not bitter as it is their loss. I would have been perfectly happy to remain their customer but now I will be happy to give another company my money.
It started off with my former web hosting company screwing me over. After a year and the some of being a customer of theirs as well as steering several companies and friends to them for business they showed their appreciation by trying to double bill me for services.
Now normally this would be something you could easily fix, you know show them a bank draft or a credit card slip showing the charge. This company though refused to listen to anything I told them and then when I tried to call the person who I had been emailing about the problem I was told that they only handled email and I would have to speak to someone else. It took me about 3 days to get someone who knew what I was talking about and could help me of course that was when I found out that the domain names I had asked them to cancel and had done the proper process and paperwork to do so, had not been cancelled and they were trying to bill me for them. All in all they tried to bilk me out of about $200 between the services and domains.
When I told them I was not going to pay for something that I already had or something I had properly cancelled they shut down my server, which is why I had to move and get a new domain.
Now the good thing is that the domains that I had renewed or were not up for renewal are rightfully mine and I should be able to push them to my new host but I suspect that my old company is going to give me some problems doing that or will try to charge me and arm and a leg to do so.
The funny thing is that I went with this host even after reading on several web hosting forums about the problems they had given others. Interestingly enough I went back to read those comments and with only a few exceptions they were all very similar issues. I was more interested in the amount of services the company provided for the money they were charging. This is a prominent company and they advertise in a lot of computer and web oriented magazines so you if you read those types of mags, you will know who I am talking about and if you are not using them I will say that what appears to be a good deal is in the end not.
In the end I am not bitter as it is their loss. I would have been perfectly happy to remain their customer but now I will be happy to give another company my money.
Back Online
Sorry for the downtime! This is the new URL and while I am happy to be back up and running, I am not at all happy about losing the .info domain as I had a great Google page rank for it. Hopefully my former hosting company will pull their heads out of their 4th point of contact and I will get it back. I can then set it up as a mirror and keep both URL's.
I also want to thank those of you who called me to check on me. Sorry for not contacting you sooner to let you all know what was going on. When the domains went down so did the mail servers and all my mail with it. Thankfully though I had a backup on my laptop and was able to pull the emails out and recover all your email addresses.
If you notice any missing or inoperable URL's please let me know. I tried to fix most of them but I may have missed a few.
Anyway, I am glad to be back online and I have a TON of catching up to do.
I also want to thank those of you who called me to check on me. Sorry for not contacting you sooner to let you all know what was going on. When the domains went down so did the mail servers and all my mail with it. Thankfully though I had a backup on my laptop and was able to pull the emails out and recover all your email addresses.
If you notice any missing or inoperable URL's please let me know. I tried to fix most of them but I may have missed a few.
Anyway, I am glad to be back online and I have a TON of catching up to do.
Violating the rules!
One of the things I got for Christmas that I have been really enjoying is some teas from my sister and brother in law. While we had all agreed to not exchange gifts among ourselves and too just buy for the kids, I am glad my sister decided to buy them anyway and I have to say that I am glad she did.
Not because I am greedy and want people to buy things for me, in fact if she spent more then $10-15 on mine I would be surprised. She bought me 2 tins of tea, both of them from The Republic of Tea and surprisingly very good.
What took me by surprise was that while they are tea, they are not the traditional tea that I would drink. I am not into the tea's with herbs and spices, or so I thought and I certainly would not have bought one on my own. I prefer tea like my Oolong or Scottish Breakfast and an occasional Earl Grey which is as close as I had ever come to tea infused with herbs and spices.
The first one my sister bought me is their Red Chai which knocked me off my feet. I have never had a tea like this before and it quickly became my favorite tea. The combination of spices (they are listed under "Tasting Notes" on the Republic of Tea website) are phenomenal and the balance is amazing. You can pick out hints of each one without it overwhelming the flavor profile.
The other one is their Desert Sage which is quite mellow but a bit more fragrant then you would expect. Having been stationed at Fort Irwin for 6 years the profile, both flavor and aroma, brings back a million memories but thankfully the makers have left out the creosote bushes that abound the high deserts of the U.S.
Both the teas also have a really relaxing effect which after doing some reading is from the Rooibois that they contain.
I would never have ventured off and bought these on my own so I am glad that my sister bought them for me. Apparently what happened is my mom told my sister about all the tea I have been drinking after having to cut WAY back on the coffee and I am glad she did. I have had the teas for about a week and I am already half through the 50 bags that came in the Chai container. Of course now when we go the mall I am going to have to switch from my normal cup of tea to their Chai to see if it is even close. If you have the chance I would really suggest the Red Chai from Republic of Tea.
Not because I am greedy and want people to buy things for me, in fact if she spent more then $10-15 on mine I would be surprised. She bought me 2 tins of tea, both of them from The Republic of Tea and surprisingly very good.
What took me by surprise was that while they are tea, they are not the traditional tea that I would drink. I am not into the tea's with herbs and spices, or so I thought and I certainly would not have bought one on my own. I prefer tea like my Oolong or Scottish Breakfast and an occasional Earl Grey which is as close as I had ever come to tea infused with herbs and spices.
The first one my sister bought me is their Red Chai which knocked me off my feet. I have never had a tea like this before and it quickly became my favorite tea. The combination of spices (they are listed under "Tasting Notes" on the Republic of Tea website) are phenomenal and the balance is amazing. You can pick out hints of each one without it overwhelming the flavor profile.
The other one is their Desert Sage which is quite mellow but a bit more fragrant then you would expect. Having been stationed at Fort Irwin for 6 years the profile, both flavor and aroma, brings back a million memories but thankfully the makers have left out the creosote bushes that abound the high deserts of the U.S.
Both the teas also have a really relaxing effect which after doing some reading is from the Rooibois that they contain.
I would never have ventured off and bought these on my own so I am glad that my sister bought them for me. Apparently what happened is my mom told my sister about all the tea I have been drinking after having to cut WAY back on the coffee and I am glad she did. I have had the teas for about a week and I am already half through the 50 bags that came in the Chai container. Of course now when we go the mall I am going to have to switch from my normal cup of tea to their Chai to see if it is even close. If you have the chance I would really suggest the Red Chai from Republic of Tea.
The start of the New Year...
A carefree evening last night. I spent it sitting in my recliner with Colm climbing all over me, he is feeling better apparently as am I. Since my wife had to work we just curled up in the chair and watched some movies.
I have been taking part in a new drug study, or perhaps I should say a study of a new way to deliver an old medication. Since I am not too sure about disclosure during the trial I won't say what the medication is other then it is for my pain and it is strong. The medication works like a charm so far and I have no complaints (rare!) other then I have to carry a Palm Pilot thing with me to record when I take the meds, the dose and how it affects my pain levels. Carrying the thing is not so bad really it is that it BEEPS at you at certain intervals once you have taken the medication and then you have to answer those questions. It does this every 15 minutes or so for 2 hours and of course if you have 2-3 episodes a day then you will be spending 4-6 hours, possibly 8, listening to this hunk of junk beeping at you. It's not even a "pleasant" beep, if there is such a thing, it is like the worst alarm clock you can imagine and then some. However, it is a small price to pay to find a drug study that I can participate in as well a study where you are taking proven medications and not some experimental one. I can't imagine how some of those people participate in study after study of experimental medications. Ewww....
The back has been ok for the past few days, perhaps all those endorphins from having such a wonderful Christmas are still at work. While the numbness from my waist down now seems to be a permanent fixture we are to the point where it has been like that for long enough that I really do not even notice it anymore. The feet, especially the left foot, are the worst though. While they are part of the numbness they also tingle like they are asleep all the time. When I walk it causes some "shooting pain" to go through my leg and lower back. Walking with the cane helps alleviate some of the problem as I can put most of my weight on the cane rather then my leg/foot.
The "reflex" reactions have also returned in the past few weeks. Not sure exactly what to call them but it is mostly confined to my legs and while just sitting/lying there they will suddenly jerk like someone tapped me with the reflex mallet. More annoying then painful, although there are times when the sudden movement will cause some discomfort.
I look forward to the day where they find some way to control the pain or cure it. I would have to say the worst thing about being in pain all the time is not the pain itself but not being able to do the things you used to do. There is also the being "cooped up" part and having to depend on others to get around town. Right now that it is perhaps the worst for me and it does get to you, not having another adult around to have a conversation. It can be quite frustrating to go for an entire week and only spend a few hours having someone else to talk to or even help out around the house.
Anyway, Americas Funniest Video is on and I need some laughs right now.
I have been taking part in a new drug study, or perhaps I should say a study of a new way to deliver an old medication. Since I am not too sure about disclosure during the trial I won't say what the medication is other then it is for my pain and it is strong. The medication works like a charm so far and I have no complaints (rare!) other then I have to carry a Palm Pilot thing with me to record when I take the meds, the dose and how it affects my pain levels. Carrying the thing is not so bad really it is that it BEEPS at you at certain intervals once you have taken the medication and then you have to answer those questions. It does this every 15 minutes or so for 2 hours and of course if you have 2-3 episodes a day then you will be spending 4-6 hours, possibly 8, listening to this hunk of junk beeping at you. It's not even a "pleasant" beep, if there is such a thing, it is like the worst alarm clock you can imagine and then some. However, it is a small price to pay to find a drug study that I can participate in as well a study where you are taking proven medications and not some experimental one. I can't imagine how some of those people participate in study after study of experimental medications. Ewww....
The back has been ok for the past few days, perhaps all those endorphins from having such a wonderful Christmas are still at work. While the numbness from my waist down now seems to be a permanent fixture we are to the point where it has been like that for long enough that I really do not even notice it anymore. The feet, especially the left foot, are the worst though. While they are part of the numbness they also tingle like they are asleep all the time. When I walk it causes some "shooting pain" to go through my leg and lower back. Walking with the cane helps alleviate some of the problem as I can put most of my weight on the cane rather then my leg/foot.
The "reflex" reactions have also returned in the past few weeks. Not sure exactly what to call them but it is mostly confined to my legs and while just sitting/lying there they will suddenly jerk like someone tapped me with the reflex mallet. More annoying then painful, although there are times when the sudden movement will cause some discomfort.
I look forward to the day where they find some way to control the pain or cure it. I would have to say the worst thing about being in pain all the time is not the pain itself but not being able to do the things you used to do. There is also the being "cooped up" part and having to depend on others to get around town. Right now that it is perhaps the worst for me and it does get to you, not having another adult around to have a conversation. It can be quite frustrating to go for an entire week and only spend a few hours having someone else to talk to or even help out around the house.
Anyway, Americas Funniest Video is on and I need some laughs right now.
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