
Time to break out the wayback machine

Well it has been about 20 years or so since I had given any thought to how much I really hated Rubik's cube. But like all good fads it seems to have come around again. Some how, some where my 11 year has gotten his hands on one of these things. Of course being the child of the 80's that I am, as soon as I saw it I said, "Hey! A rubik's cube." If you have kids you will understand then that for some reason they will always believe you can do anything and everything. I know, I once looked at my father the same way. There was not a thing in the world he did not know and he was an expert at everything he did. So naturally my son has handed me this freaking thing and says, "well here, you can solve it then."

I did not have the heart to tell him (thank God my wife did though) that when we were kids we could not solve them, we simply pulled them apart and put them back together again. If I remember correctly there was even a company that sold the stickers so you could pull them off and put on new ones. No matter, that toy is the spawn of the devil! Next thing you know kids will be sporting parachute pants and bi-level haircuts. Aaaaaaarrrrrrgggh!

Don't get me wrong, the 80's were a fun time. I mean look at the 70's as a comparison. I would rather be wearing parachute pants (yes I had some) and a mullet then platform shoes and bell bottoms. Crap, when I think of the 70's what comes rushing back to me is this REALLY TACKY picture my uncle had hanging up. It was a velvet lady half naked lying on a bed or something. Of course about the same time frame women were wearing polysester pant suits and bad hair (which somehow escaped into the 80's.)

Which brings me to another horrible invention from somewhere in the past, the terry cloth tube top. What the hell was that all about? I hear/see one of those and I here this voice in my head saying, "All skate change direction." Shudder.......Skating was a big thing back then, everyone was skating. My son saw a pair of rollerskates one day and actually was shocked to learn that rollerblades have not been around for ever. Of course, no one actually owned real skates.

That leads us to another genius invention. Adjustable metal skates (had a wing nut on the bottom)with metal wheels. Now I know they predate the 70's but they were still popular for some reason. More amazing is how most of us who owned them made it to their adult years. They would vibrate your feet off and made noise like a trash can being dragged down a gravel driveway. They were decent skates though as far as stopping. They would stop on a dime! and a stick and a rock and just about anything else that was in the way. Of course we also did not wear knee or elbow pads and helmets. Like I said sometimes I am amazaed that we made it this far.

Then we have tv shows from the 70's. Wow, what the hell were we thinking?

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