
The human barometer

Well the sky has turned that lovely yellow that only a rainstorm on the plains can bring. The thunder is starting to pick up which means the front it near, let's hope it just keeps on moving. A stalled front sucks! If you have never experienced that it is something you should be thankful for. Stalled fronts spawn wicked tornados and this last spring we had some real humdingers.

Since my surgery I have turned into the "human barometer" as my wife likes to put it. This front must have moved very fast though because I did not feel it a day in advance like normal. You u see, my wife was an atmospheric science major so my back and the weather is something we like to kid around with. She stopped consulting charts and started asking me how I feel to figure out the forecast.

Since the front moved in my back has been throbbing which in turn amplifies the numbness in my leg and foot and the pain in my lower back. That in turn will make lying down later this evening a treat. Something mild to kill the pain and a muscle relaxer to stop the spasms and I should be ok, but they only work for so long and then you are up again. My time frame is about 4 hours and then I am up for a bit before being able to get back to sleep.

Maybe I should think about moving to AZ or someplace with a drier climate? Not sure I could deal with the lack of seasons though. Being a NY'er I have to have my spring, summer, fall, winter. 6 years in the desert of SoCal was enough for me.

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