
I knew it was to good to be true

Well I almost had an entire pain free day. Late yesterday the pain started to come back and by bedtime it was going full force. This morning it is bearable but I am betting by lunch I won't be able to stay in the same position for 2 hours straight.

I guess the big thing I need to do is get with a neuro-surgeon and figure out exactly what I can expect from the arachnoiditis. I mean it is obvious it isn't going to get better but will it get worse? My primary care physician did not elaborate to much on it and was not willing to hazard a guess on any prognosis just yet. He did say he wants to see me on the 20th of September.

The forecast today looks to be a repeat of yesterday with a little rain mixed in. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website we have some storm building to the west of us. They look to be just forming right now so I expect we would get some rain in a couple of hours.

This is the first full week of school for the oldest so looks like it is just me and the baby for the day.

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