

I saw something today that rang so true...

Those who preach tolerance seem to have the least for my views. I would say that about sums it up.

Another relative pain free day but not a day without the numbness. It starts about the small of the back and extends all the way down my left leg and into my foot and toes. It sucks when it is numb as I can't tell if I am cold or hot and walking becomes difficult. I have to keep myself on pavement or risk stumbling on the dirt/gravel. It is pretty much why I no longer drive unless absolutely necessary and then I try to limit it to around town for things like groceries. Other then that I rarely leave home by myself anymore.

I thought the medrol might be working but I can see that it's effects will be short lived. The results were the same when they did the epidurals, they were more of a pain the relief they provided. If I had to do it all over again I would probably skip them. Of course then my insurance company would say that I did not follow protocol and deny benefits.

Speaking of insurance companies, they all suck in my book. You have to have it as the cost out of pocket is insane but if you try to use your insurance you have to jump through hoops to only find out you jumped the wrong one. Do that and the hospital will try to bill you for what insurance did not pay, even though they have an agreement with your insurance company to not do that. I got a bill from my hospital for about $20K when it was all over. They tried their best but I simply sent it off to the insurance company. Never heard anything from the hospital about that again.

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