
Pain free day?

Well, I woke up this morning with almost no pain. A very unusual day indeed, now if the numbness would go away we would be good to go. According to weatherbug it is a cool 62F (about 17c) outside and a high in the lower 80's is expected. We have had an unusually cool summer so far. Generally we have hit the 100f (38c) mark by now and hold it until early September. I think we hit 95 one day and that was it. Reminds me of a Long Island summer without the cool breeze coming in from the ocean. That is without all the sand from Jones Beach in your hair and clothes.

Maybe I will have time to sit and watch what is going on in NY. I love liberal protesters, they have such a way about them! They will march and protest about their rights being violated and just about anything else that is the "in thing" to protest. If any one of them had an idea on their own it would be scary. They are living proof of the pack mentality and even better is when a counter protest forms. Those liberals would readily trample anyone's right if they are not in agreement with the liberal cause or when they feel threatened. Want to see what I mean? Check out Protest Warrior for some video footage of what happens when the liberals feel threatened.

Looks like the cause celebre in conjuction with the RNC is Starbucks Coffee and their anti-union stance. Unions had their place once upon a time and in some shops maybe they still do. A coffee shop though? Don't they have a better cause somewhere? How about tougher rape laws or better enforcement regulations for deadbeat parents? Hell, how about better education issues? I guess those are not front page causes and as such do not warrant any attention.

Well anyway, I am feeling good today so I will make the most of it as I have no idea how I will feel tomorrow.

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