
I saw an old lady walking down the street

She had a ruck on her back and jungle boots on her feet.

Ok ok, no more Jody calls. For a minute there I thought I was back at Ft. Benning.

One of the biggest things I have been learning to deal with is the tolerance some people have or more likely don't have towards disabled people. Hell, I used to be one of them. Maybe this is my penance for being less tolerant?

While I look normal and walk almost normal, I do have a small gait, you would never now it to look at me but I am usually not very comfortable. Small things like walking to far at once or sitting in the same position for to long cause a lot of pain. I do not have a disabled placard nor do I intend to get one, doing some simple tasks anymore can suck!

I do have people ask me from time to time what happened, but explaining it to them can sometimes be more of a pain in the ass. I know they do not intend to be rude and generally I oblige them with the abridged version of events. Then there are times I have to remember what a wise man once told me, "There is no such thing as a stupid question. Just stupid people!" How right he was.

Well, it seems that someone needs my attention so more later.

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